Samaronas Webinars

Sangha of the Soul

Sangha of the Soul is a community of soul seekers

The soul is the true self, it is what we are in depth.
A soul seeker is one who is searching, seeking to realize herself.
A soul seeker is trying to correct the misunderstanding of the false self, the ego-self.
A soul seeker seeks her true nature, the essence.

The soul is dynamic, constantly moving and changing.
In the depths of the soul is a force, striving for enlightenment.
This force naturally tends to move the soul toward a more optimal experience.

When we learn to be present with the soul, we can experience this force.
It is the force, which supports the soul to realize itself.

It brings more life, more energy and more light.
It is a conscious force, an intelligent force.
In the heart, this force feels like self-love.
In the depths of the soul, we, by nature, all love ourselves.
We love ourselves in a fundamental and deep way.
Ultimately, we are the mystery ourselves; we are the Beloved.
The Beloved is my center, my source, my identity, my nature, my essence.
I am the one who loves and I am the one who receives love.

When the soul seeker has realized, that the soul is essence, we call this self-realization.
Self-realization means, that the soul, is free from the concealing veil of past experiences. It can experience itself directly.
She experiences herself by simply being.
She knows that presence is a medium of self-awareness.
By being present, the mystery that we are is revealed.

Practicing this presence, is the spiritual practice in the Sangha of the Soul

Benefits of Online Webinars

  • It is possible, to maintain a spiritual practice throughout the year
  • The practice becomes an integrated part of daily life
  • You become part of a sangha, a community of soul-seekers
  • No need to travel, you can participate anywhere in the world
  • You can practice with other seekers in a field of mindfulness and walk the path of unfoldment together
  • The practice is easy to integrate into your life, no need to take days off for it
  • You only commit to 7 evenings at a time
  • It is possible to come back with a new webinar after each series of 7 evenings for a reduced price
  • In addition to this continuous online practice, there is also the possibility to deepen the practice with face-to-face seminars

A Sangha of the Soul webinar can be booked as a set of 7 evenings.
Price for 7 evenings: € 350,- (new participants).
Reduced price for participants of a previous set of 7 evenings € 280,-

A Sangha of the Soul Webinar Structure

1. welcome and meditation

2. teaching

3. self-inquiry with 1 or 2 partners

4. debriefing and individual support

Sangha of the Soul –
🇩🇪 Spiritual Practice Webinars in German

Dates for upcoming webinars

When: twice a month, on Tuesday evenings
How long: 2.5 to 3 hours
What time: 19:00 – 21:30 or 22:00

Selbstverwirklichung –
Essenzielle Identität und Narzissmus (3)

06. und 20. August 2024
03. und 17. September 2024
08. und 22. Oktober 2024
05. Nov. 2024
» Über Selbstverwirklichung –
Essenzielle Identität und Narzissmus (3) lesen

Edelmetalle –
Die essenzielle Dimensionen von Unterstützung (1)

07. und 21. Januar 2025
18. Februar 2025
04. und 18. März 2025
01. und 15. April 2025

» Über Edelmetalle –
Die essenzielle Dimensionen von Unterstützung lesen

Edelmetalle –
Die essenzielle Dimensionen von Unterstützung (2)

22. Juli 2025
05. und 19. August 2025
02. und 16. und 30. September 2025
14. Oktober2025

» Über Edelmetalle –
Die essenzielle Dimensionen von Unterstützung (2) lesen

Sangha of the Soul –
🇳🇱 Spiritual Practice Webinars in Dutch

Data voor aankomende webinars

When: twice a month, on Wednesday evenings
How long: 2.5 to 3 hours
What time: 19:00 – 21:30 or 22:00

Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (1)

15 en 29 mei 2024
12 en 26 juni 2024
10 en 23 juli 2024
7 aug 2024

» Over Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (1)

Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (2)

15 en 29 jan 2025
12 en 26 feb 2025
12 en 26 mrt 2025
9 april 2025

» Over Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (2)

Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (3)

30 juli 2025
13 en 27 aug 2025
10 en 24 sept 2025
8 en 22 okt 2025

» Over Zelfrealisatie, essentiële identiteit en narcisme (3)