The New Book of Samarona


Self-development –
From the inner child to the true self
by Samarona Buunk


To be ordered at Innenwelt Verlag


About the Book

Practical guide book from the inner child to The inner Buddha

In the East, the concept of Buddha-nature points to the potential of all people to attain liberation. In the Western world, this view is rather rare.

This book shows that we all possess within us a wisdom called The Inner Buddha. Orientation on The Inner Buddha brings about various stages of spiritual development and self-development.

It is shown how this also brings about transformation on the psychological level and shows how the “inner child” can be healed. It is explained how in childhood the formation of a healthy ego occurs and how in adulthood we can turn our gaze inward and break free from the identification with the ego.

“The Inner Buddha” is the result of the author’s lifelong spiritual practice and his many years of work in the field of spiritual psychotherapy.

The author does not provide a patent formula for self-unfoldment, because each person goes through a unique personal development, and therefore everyone can only reflect his/her own ego-formation. The exact understanding of this ego development is the liberation.

The First Book of Samarona


Was Spiritualität heute bedeuten kann
by Samarona Buunk

Order no.: 222-50294
WG 481, 480
approx. 264 pages

ISBN 978-3-942502-94-8
€ 18,50 (D) · € 19,10 (A)

» reading sample (german)

The book can be ordered at Innenwelt Verlag

About the Book

DAS INNERE ZUHAUSE is a spiritual non-fiction book, both a poetic and a very personal book.

It deals with the adventure of self-exploration. How can one today, in the middle of the 21st century with all its loud promises of salvation and the immense demands on one’s own life plan, manage to find a place of peace within oneself?
A place where you can experience and enjoy all your essential qualities?
A place where you feel that you’re coming home?

Along the path of life we encounter situations in which we do not know what to do or in which we wish for support, orientation, understanding or compassion. I see myself as a fellow traveller who for a certain time can support you with appreciation, humour and trust to find your own impulses for change.

“The ego has many names.
Some call it the’inner child’,
some talk about „the emotional self“
or the “false self”.
These are faces of the same personality
who believes to have a separate will.”
Samarona Buunk

How the ego is formed

The author Samarona Buunk shines deeply into the psychological, the spiritual and also the poetic reality of man. The stages of development are vividly explained, the importance of growing up, the development of an ego structure and the possibility of leaving it behind.

Fascinating answers

Samarona Buunk finds surprising, exciting and challenging answers. Is it possible that “the child in us” will be healed if its origin is recognized?

Samarona Buunk incorporates the experiences of 30 years of work in the field of spiritual psychotherapy as well as his very own “way home”.

The book can be ordered at Innenwelt Verlag